Cued Care: What does it mean?

mother and baby Aug 22, 2023


Cued care is a term used in Neuroprotective Developmental Care (the Possums approach).


It is an approach to parenting that is characterised by a pattern of responding to Baby's behavioural cues over time.


The idea is that we get to know our baby and look to them to understand their needs rather than looking at a clock or strict routine.


Examples would be

  • Feeding them when you think they are hungry, rather than in set time intervals or feed, play, sleep cycles
  • Offering milk as a tool to provide them with comfort rather than just nutrition
  • Letting go of a strict routine of naps and instead providing them with the opportunity to sleep when they seem tired and getting them up when they wake
  • Considering if their unsettled behaviour is a sign of needing a change in their sensory environment rather than just being overtired and spending lots of effort trying to get them to sleep


I have found it to be a kind and intuitive way of parenting. It honours the evidence we have about infant biology, understands we won't always get it right and celebrates flexibility and experimentation.


Have a look at the Possums website for more information and see if it's right for you.