Dummies: Pros and Cons

child health mother and baby Nov 09, 2023


Parents often agonise over whether or not to use a dummy and it's a question I am often asked as both a Mum and GP. Two of my four babies used a dummy so I can safely say I have experience in both camps. I would say though, that as much as you deliberate, it will probably be your baby that decides!


So what are the pros of using a dummy?

  • It can help some babies settle and sleep
  • It is associated with a reduced risk of sudden infant death syndrome (but only if used consistently and is not recommended solely as a risk reduction strategy in Australia)
  • It stops them from sucking on fingers and thumbs


We don’t yet know why the SIDS risk reduces in babies using dummies.


And here are the cons…

  • Can interfere with breastfeeding, so best to use after breastfeeding established
  • Associated with higher rates of middle ear infections
  • Increased chance of dental malalignment if used beyond 2 years of age
  • Can risk speech problems if used during awake periods
  • Babies can get attached to their dummies, meaning you always need to have one on hand, and may need to replace it multiple times during their sleep if they are not old enough to get it themselves


Yes, I agree that the list of cons is much longer, but the advantages are quite powerful, and many of the disadvantages can be worked around.


So, if you are going to introduce a dummy, let me make some suggestions:

  • Don’t force it, you can offer it a few times but don’t pressure your Baby to take it or dip it in sweet things
  • Choose one that's appropriate for their age and complies with Australian standards
  • Clean it regularly, sterilising for babies under 6 months old
  • Always check it to make sure it's not worn or degraded
  • Keep multiple available for inevitable loss and replacement
  • Do not use anything to tie it to them as it poses a strangulation risk
  • Try not to use it outside of sleep periods, because we don’t want to miss feeding cues by giving a dummy
  • Don’t replace it if it falls out and they're still asleep
  • Try to ditch the dummy by age 2


And don't let your concerns about having to wean the dummy at some point - I've got heaps of easy suggestions for this!