My Good Knight Sleep Guide

child health mother and baby Sep 30, 2023


My Good Knight Sleep Guide is designed to be a practical and holistic approach to managing your Family's sleep.


I've created this guide based on my experience as a GP and mother of 4, integrating our understanding of sleep biology and infant development, the useful components of the many sleep training programs as well as the interplay between unique family dynamics and needs.


You can spend thousands on sleep consultants and sleep programs that focus on one approach, or you can invest your time finding free information dotted around the internet across various websites and blogs.


What' I've aimed to do is put everything in 1 place to make it simpler, easier and require less investment of time, stress and money.


My Good Knight Sleep Guide


  • Help you understand what we are trying to achieve
  • Give you options to suit your needs and values
  • Provide clear and simple steps you can follow
  • Use a holistic lens to consider all facets of a mother and baby relationship
  • Facilitate cued care and building your confidence in your parental instincts
  • Include ideas for all ages



  • Use single strict approaches
  • Push you into doing things you're not comfortable doing
  • Make you follow such a strict program that you lose sight of baby's cues and normal biology
  • Make you feel like you're failing
  • Undermine other important aspects like feeding, development, mental health


My goal is to provide you with an understanding of your child's sleep and a range of strategies that you can experiment with to improve your family's sleep in a way that feels right for you.


So come and see me with your little one and let's get started!