The 4th Trimester: What really matters?

mother and baby Oct 13, 2023


The 1st 3 months of you baby’s life are often referred to as the 4th trimester, and this gives us an indication that it’s a period of rapid development and need for close and intense support.


There’s a lot going on, from learning new skills to trying to cover all the things we’re told we’re supposed to do and so sometimes in this newborn haze, the basics can be overlooked.


So what really matters during this 4th trimester?

Well, I think there are 3 things:

  1. Milk feeding your baby
  2. Bonding with your baby, and
  3. Maternal recovery


Milk feeding is fairly obvious, your baby will need it for growth and settling, so it’s the most important.


Bonding with them is my next essential, because otherwise, what’s the point of this journey? 

When you’ve thought about having a baby, I bet you’re more likely to have imagined holding them in your arms with your heart full of love than nappy changing and managing pump parts.

When we are able to make strong bonds with our baby, it improves breastfeeding, our sleep and mental health, their development and much, much more.


Last but not least is maternal recovery and it’s on my list because it really matters.

You must get some rest, ensure you are drinking enough fluids and getting regular nutrition as these have a significant impact on your physical and mental health.


So the take home point here is to attend to these essentials first and then bring the other tasks and activities in, in a way that doesn’t interfere with what really matters.


If you would like some support to navigate your postnatal period with your baby and find ways to focus on what really matters, then please come and see me.